Brief History

Years ago, a group of brothers from different denominations and backgrounds met for the first time, to discuss the mechanism of finishing the translation of the Bible in their own mother tongue, since the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) had finished with the translation of the New Testament, by which they withdrew from Guatemala, and thus leaving an incomplete Bible. For the same reason, seeing the people of God with the need to have a Bible already complete, to understand in depth the Word of God both in the New Testament and in the Old Testament in the Mayan language.

AECM started with five people, working in translation, without any economic incentive, but with a willing heart to the ministry. Training of the exegesis and in the grammar of each language in different places of Guatemala was given. With the passage of time it was organized in the best way and managing its legal personality since, without the backing of the government, it is difficult to request support from other NGOs. After a few more years the desired thing was materialized and another five Communities were added to have a total of 10 communities where the translation of the Old Testament Bible is carried out.

This is how AECM Guatemala was born, to carry the word of God in each Linguistic community in and fulfill the mission given by God, and that every person has the opportunity to have the word of God in their hand in their own mother tongue. And on the other hand, collaborate with the Ministry of Education, and promote the use of Mayan languages ​​in different language communities in literacy and eradicate illiteracy in both the Spanish language and the Mayan language.

AECM, is characterized as being a non-profit association, since it depends on the offerings of missionaries and brothers of different evangelical churches and denominations of the United States of North America and with the support of the Board of Directors of AECM, and pastors of the local churches where the Old Testament translation is done.


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